
having produced so many hours of factual programming, hammaglamma prides itself on producing entertaining shows that teach you something.


TV Towns

TV Towns, presented by Stuart Maconie, is an innovative factual entertainment series that digs out the hidden stories behind some of the UK’s best-loved television locations. TV Towns’ fascinating combination of archive footage and interviews with …


Those Were The Days

Those Were The Days is a nostalgic look back at seven momentous events in modern British history, as seen through the eyes of the public who witnessed them. Using personal archives that include home movie …


Surviving Midsomer

Following on from the hugely popular television drama, ‘Midsomer Murders’, hammaglamma produced this wonderfully humorous documentary special, along with the entire original cast from the series. Essentially, the show is a concise survival guide to living …


The Shackles of Sherlock

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created the world!s most popular detective, Sherlock Homes. However, Conan Doyle!s many of his other achievements have gone largely unrecognized. “The Shackles of Sherlock! shows why Sir Arthur should be remembered …



Agatha Christie may be known as an author, but she also has some claim to be the world’s most successful playwright bar Shakespeare. Her play “The Mousetrap” – originally penned as an 80th birthday gift …


Something About Christie

Agatha Christie!s detective novels have made her Britain!s most successful literary export since William Shakespeare. In “Murder Made Simple!, well known Agatha Christie actor James Fox presents a masterclass on murder writing and reveals the …
